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I am Akash

a coder

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I am a coder from West Bengal, India. I am very passionate about learning new technologies. Currently, I am a B.Tech engineering student at Asansol Engineering College.

My Skills.


Programming & Development

Programming has became one of an integral part of my life now. I enjoy doing that. Currently, I know two languages basically, one is C and the other one is java. I am also interested in doing work around app development. I am also going through a course of web development to master that. I am excited to go deeper in this tech world.



As all other of my age I also love playing games. Most favourite of mine from these games is PUBG. But that doesn't mean that I am addicted playing that. I play for a limited time as per my routine, when my mind got stuck in doing a lot of coding.

Get In Touch

I’m currently available for freelance work.

If you have a project that you want to get started, think you need my help with something or just fancy saying hey, then get in touch.

Contact Me
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